Field & Flying Rules
All pilots must posses a current AMA membership card to fly at club field.
All cars will be parked in the designated parking area.
All spectators will remain in the spectator’s area designated as the area behind the fence line (on the parking lot side) or under the shelter unless escorted by a member.
No alcoholic beverages will be allowed on the Association property. Intoxication will not be tolerated.
Contest flying will be governed by the rules set forth by the Academy of Model Aeronautics.
Flying of any type will not be allowed over the pit and / or spectator areas.
Any flyer(s) who is / are airborne, shall be in one of the designated pilot’s stations to help prevent inter-frequency interference and safety issues.
All fliers shall announce their intention of takeoff and landings, including emergencies.
For safety, the protection of the Association, and public relations, new members (with qualifications unknown to the Association members) and beginning fliers must obtain the aid of an experienced Association member until satisfactory competency of aircraft control has been demonstrated in takeoff, pattern and landing.
Each transmitter brought to the Association flying site shall have attached to the antenna the appropriate AMA legal frequency flag and antenna streamer.
All transmitters brought to the Association flying site shall be impounded immediately upon arrival.
No transmitter will be allowed out of the impound area without the appropriate frequency pin from the frequency calculator attached. Transmitters being “field charged” must also abide by this rule to protect against accidental “switch on”.
Mufflers are required on all if practical and mandatory on all engines of .15 cubic inch displacement or larger.
All Association members participating in flying must carry a current AMA membership card.
Engines will only be started in four (4) designated engine starting areas. These areas are at the tall grass barrier “pass–through” to the left and right of the shelter.
Taxiing aircraft anywhere behind the tall grass barriers (in the pits) is prohibited.
Guest pilots shall be permitted and will be briefed at the Association flying site on field conduct, by the Association member who sponsors them. A guest is defined as an Association nonmember who holds a current AMA membership and is to be flying for personal enjoyment (not for instructional purposes). A sponsored guest will be permitted to fly with reasonable constraint so as not to affect the flying time available to members. A complaining member shall constitute an unreasonable constraint. No guest shall be permitted to fly without his/her sponsor present.
Every Association member has the right to fly alone, if he/she desires to do so. The field can be closed for one (1), flight intervals by placing the large orange cone on the field just beyond the tall grass barriers (opposite the pit area). All Association members and sponsored guests will recognize the gesture as “closing the field for one flight”, during which piloting on the field is permissible along with a helper.
Engine runs for more than (2) minutes for adjustments, break-ins, etc., shall be performed at the extreme ends of the pit area.
Every member shall share the responsibility in the enforcement of these rules.
Unless otherwise specified planned work parties for field maintenance, shall be supported by all association members. Routine maintenance such as field mowing, etc., will be scheduled by contract or otherwise, as determined by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Association membership in good standing present at a scheduled meeting.
Electric aircraft must be taken to the flight line before connecting the batteries and the batteries disconnected before returning to the pit area, the exception being aircraft that have an arming plug or switch installed. Batteries can be installed but aircraft can only be armed at flight line.
If work is going to be conducted on electric aircraft and the batteries must be connected, the prop must be removed before connecting the batteries, the exception being aircraft that have an arming plug or switch installed.